Monday, 5 February 2007

hipster bingo

Flicking through the many blogs as I do on a daily basis - some would say I spend too much time online, but not I oh no - one thing on The Catbirdseat actually made me stop, look, read, laugh out loud and distribute among my friends and enemies.

Hipsters are one of the evils of my life. They walk around with their asymmetrical haircuts and 80s oh-so-cool-cos-we-look-wank lanky t-shirts and ridiculously tight jeans (though perhaps this is a heaven send, perhaps no child hipsters will be brought into this world) and look down on us mere mortals while we all stare and shake our heads and pity their misguided foolishness. Or at least I wish I did. I don't pity them. I just store up rage that I wish I could vent on them but can't since it apparently isn't acceptable in modern day society. Basically they make me feel bad when they really shouldn't cos they're losers.

Disclaimer: I don't really feel like that. Well perhaps I do. But just a little. But the hipster kids stare back at me like I'm nothing and this makes me miserable. BOO HISS. You know the score. You've all been there...

Rant over. Honest. Well for today at least.

Point is The Catbirdseat have provided this oh so handy Hipster Bingo card to take with you on your trips about town, be they to clubs, north london supermarkets or saturday night hellholes.

To play, and I quote: "Print this out and take it to the next show you go to. When you get a bingo, scream "BINGO!" at the top of your lungs, then break a bunch of beer bottles on the floor and get thrown."

Naturally timetogiveup does not condone the breaking of bottles, be they glass or otherwise. Although I can understand how hipsters could drive you to it. I think almost anyone could.


On a musical note, I was digging the Jarvis album today. I saw him a few months back at Koko for the terrible Channel 4 Album Chart Show. Bad show but bloody brilliant set. He may have even beat the performance that Lemar put on. May have I said.

Listen to his musak upon the usual suspect, MySpace/JarvSpace (see what he did there).
Buy his fantastic and very Pulp-like (no bad thing in my book) album here.

hail the land of the free

Can I just say how out of sync it is that costs me the same amount (nay slightly more) to order an album and have it sent from a shop not five miles away from this very household than to gain two juicy full-length albums all the way from sunny Austin in the old U S of A. Madness. But thanks be to Peek-A-Boo Records who poked me with a gentle e-mail reminder of their incredible stock of musical treats.

I have now ordered myself up the twin delight of the following:
The Octopus Project + Black Moth Super Rainbow
- The House Of Apples & Eyeballs
Peel - Peel

Both a little later than I should have but I will never catch up with the multitude of music that's out there.

>> The Octopus Project

The Octopus Project are a band I fell in love with about this time last year with the catchily titled 'EEEAAASSSEEE BAAACCCCKKKKK'. Listen to more of their material at MySpace or check out their crazy website. Peel are a band new to me (yet more shame befalls me) but are damn fine and well worth checking out on their MySpace or indeed their own little site. Pay the good folks at Peek-A-Boo Records a visit purchase your own fine copies by clicking here.

>> Peel by Peel

Quite excited by the fact that The Octopus Project and The Black Moth Super Rainbow are playing together at SXSW at which - did I mention - I will be attending. God damn I will so surely be queuing up at that show. Yes, "show," this is what they call gigs in America I am told.

mp3: The Octopus Project - 'The Adjustor'