Tuesday, 16 January 2007

free music for kiddies! truth.

Someone once said something to me that made me despair; despair of the someone, despair of the music industry, despair of humanity and ultimately, my life. The fact that this someone was from a (some would call) "cutting edge" record label made the event perhaps a little sadder. The something said started with, "Wow, so-and-so have 15000 friends, they must be amazing," and ended with the possibly even more depressing, "You know it really is important to have lots of friends on MySpace if you're going to be popular, it's something we should do with all our acts."

Hmm. Cue despair.

Luckily there is hope. And I have proof. The incredible and how-has-noone-heard-of-him? question-inducing Blackball False! Truth when I signed on less than two months ago had four friends. Ha beat that. At the time of press this has increased to a grand title of twenty-one, twenty-one I tell you.

To weather away at the usual route to becoming "popular," said artist has also gone against the tide and given his entire album away for FREE, I kid you not. Upon his website you can download the entirety of Auks, a whole seven tracks waiting for music lovers to just come along and discover. Nice.

Auks could be described as a concept album, every track centered around the repeating theme of penguins. I hear that BFT aka malmo is now looking for inspiration for a second album - a walrus perhaps? Or perhaps a manatee?

Here are two of my favourite tracks from the album but oh my lord it was difficult to choose.

mp3: Blackball False! Truth - 'Auks'
mp3: Blackball False! Truth - 'Girl Penguin, Come Back Goddamnit!'

For the entire album visit his website.
To offer a friendly (hand) shake, check him out on MySpace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in a meeting today and someone said "xyz have got like 400,000 plays on their myspace" like it actually matters.
